
Common challenges for making As-A-Service support the transformation to a Circular Economy

This white paper explores the different challenges that can be made when combining circular economy and the As-A-Service business model. Implementing a circular economy is complex and some elements should not be underestimated. This paper is written predominantly from the perspective of manufacturers and/or integrators.

The common challenges analyzed in this paper are:

  • Not providing an adequate solution to foster employee engagement with the circular economy
  • Not working on R&D to extend the life cycle
  • Underestimating the work to analyze the user’s needs
  • Not maintaining the product in their original operating condition
  • Underestimating the complexity of reverse logistics

This white paper is the third one out of four papers. The first one gives insight about connecting the dots between the As-A-Service  business model and the circular economy, the second one is about the planned obsolescence and the last one offers 5 ways to initiate the circular economy contributions within the  As-A-Service model.

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